Sunday, July 21, 2013

Catch up!

I have totally dropped the ball on this whole blogging thing! I just don't know what to write about... All Stelly and I do is work! Correction: I work, Stelly sleeps and plays with Mo. Daycare in the day, bar at night. If I were doing some exciting DIY projects, I'd be sharing that with you! Once I get access to my classroom I'll probably start more because my hopes is to start a teaching blog for other teachers to follow with resources for what is working in my classroom. BUT I don't have my keys yet! The anxiety might kill me. I'm dying to start going through the classroom to see what all is in there, and familiarize myself with two new curriculums.

What I have started though is getting all of my IEP dates together and working on individual folders for each student. Each folder for now will have their goals, all progress monitoring sheets (reading, writing, math), and a contact form that seconds as a parent contact log. I've gone through all of the IEP's that I have and made note of the IEP that need changing due to part time K's going into First; so mostly extending the time they'll be receiving services. Staples need to have their penny sale and teacher day sale ASAP, I can get more done when I have that stuff!

I've also been trying to work on a letter home to introduce myself to parents and welcome students but that is going very slow because I hate talking about myself.


Yup yup. Mom and Daisy left yesterday and are taking the long way from UT to WA. She'll be here for 4 or so days and I'm excited! I've got Tues-Thurs off to spend some time with her and D. Stelly will be happy to see D, I probably can't say the same for D. She loved being an only child when Prairie passed before I got Stelly. So far no plans!

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