Thursday, May 30, 2013

Pack your bags Stella!

We shall find out if blogging is for me! I want it to be (if that even means anything). I graduated from the University of Utah on May 3, 2013 after a LOOOONNNGGGG **eh hem** 9 years of messing around at the community college, and finally in 2010 figuring out what I want to do with my life. I've had my share of challenges along the way, and faced them head on (that may explain a few things..). Here I am now, less than 72 hours away from moving from my mamma's basement, 879 miles to Long Beach, WA., with one of my bestest friends Ashley, after being offered my first big girl job as a special education teacher to 25 awesome kids in a resource class! (It still doesn't seem real, come August I imagine it will feel alllll too real!).

Besides family getting me through these last few years of school I give full credit to my stinky muppet mutt, Stella. She makes me laugh when I want to scream that an assignment hasn't uploaded (or I forgot), she's the cuddle bug I need on those blue days, she's always there. She's stuck with me, and I'm stuck with her. I wouldn't trade her for a million dollars. I'm serious. I'd rather be homeless. But hopefully mamma would take us back in. Mamma?!

My hope for this blog is to share with all of you the adventures of a new fledgling (aka me - from my bird nerd of a mother who will just replace me with her live cam birds and their babies) and my obnoxious, anything-that-stinks loving dog!!

Kristin & Smella


  1. Great start my friend. We are all going to miss you terribly...but are so happy and excited to read about and see pictures of all your new adventures. ((())) from Mary, Doc & the Boyz :-)

    1. Mary I'm SOO bummed I wasn't able to stop by Monday and drop this ribbon off and say hi to you, doc and the boys! Maybe if I have time Saturday, and you guys are around, after helping my friend get packed.

  2. I would always take you back, but Stella might be pushing it a bit (I would run out of shoes, TV changers, sponges, shirts, etc). You know, when many birds fledge the mom and dad keep tabs on them for a bit to make sure they have the hang of life on their own, so I guess I'll do the same. Your fledging will be almost the same day as the Cornell Red Tail Hawklets! They should leave the nest on June 2, 3 or 4.
