Saturday, June 22, 2013

Week in rewind

As luck would have it I have been sick for over a week now. It started last week-Thursday to be exact- after my first week at the daycare (as expected), COMPLETELY lost my voice! Dreams may have just came true for some but in reality I just squeaked like a baby T-Rex. So, I didn't didn't go to work Monday and was feeling better but still screeching. Talking with me was like a botched MAZE assessment. As part of a comprehension assessment three words are given every seventh word and students have to pick the word that best fits there. Wellllll, with me, your three options weren't there and it was more like every 4 words. 

SO I went to work Tuesday, feeling better with the exception of not really having a voice. They put me in with the babies seeing as how not much talking needs to be done versus the toddler room. 

Lucky me. 

Pink eye!!! 

Couldn't go to work Wednesday as I was pretty much crying boogers. This photo was actually Thursday after majority of the eye boogers stopped. BUT my eye was completely swollen shut! Usually they don't put you on antibiotics for pink eye, not for meeee! Thursday was quiet so work didn't need me anyway and I was still one eyed so I stayed home. 

I woke up Friday feeling ok so I called work asking if they needed me in as my eye clearly had something wrong with it, thankfully they didn't. I went back to sleep thinking it was really cold. That turned into the sweats. Then the chills. Sweats. Chills. All the while listening to the roofers, from next door, terrible 80's metal music. 

I slept the entire day. From about 9am to 6:30pm. Walking up here and there to cough up gallons of phlegm and re stuff my nostrils with tissue. I took the dogs out once on their flexi leads, sat at the bottom of the stairs and just held on. 

Stella and Mowgli kept me company all day while Ash worked. 

It is now Saturday and I'm feeling much better except for an awful cough. Fingers crossed that this is the only illness I will get while out here!! 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Settling in

It's been almost a week since we've been in our new home! Still so crazy to think about. I honestly feel like I'm just on long vacation. A vacation that you have to find a job while you're there! I found some part time work at a local daycare, about 30 hours a week. I'm hoping to still find another job waiting tables or something so I can slowly stash away some tip money.

I love it here! I honestly do! I am BEYOND lucky to have Ashley here going through all the same stuff. I knew I'd be doing this one way or another it just makes it all easier having a great friend along for the ride!

Stinky Stelly is doing FAR better than I ever could have imagined! She's being so well behaved, and starting to play with Mowgli. She is getting much more comfortable around the waves at the beach and now just wants to zoom around in them. I have her on a flexi leash for now until I feel a little more confident in our recall abilities for when (and it WILL happen!) she goes running off down the beach after a bird. Her favorite part of the beach is "bonking" the empty crab shells and of course chasing all of the seagulls. I'm will be working on redirecting her when she gets so locked on to the birds because I eventually want her to see the bird and be like yea whatever... but right now I think it's funny so I can't help but laugh when she chases them.
The drive from SLC to LB was about 17 hours... loonnnggg! We went straight through.
Stella was less than thrilled:

After the first Xanax didn't work, we waited 6 hours as per recommendation and gave her another pill. Well let's just say "nigh nigh Stell!"
So fast forward a brutal 17 hour drive and we arrive at our sleeping accommodations for night.

The next morning we got to unpacking with the great help of a son of my mom's colleague who lives in the area- seriously couldn't have done it without them!  We started unpacking after a few hours the sun came out and looked like it was to be a beautiful afternoon. TO THE BEACH!!
Stella got in her classic roll!